Friday, March 19, 2010

Baptisms at Baraka

Last Sunday Graham and Nosikito baptised 6 women in a muddy watering hole near the church at Baraka. Most had never been under water before. The cows, who normally only share it with the goats and sheep, watched from the edge.

Nantosin, ok ready?

Hold your nose and down you go!


Ndine - Hold your nose like this

And up she comes........

Hey it was fun!

Esupat - Mmmm, I’m not sure about this...

Oh well!

Not bad after all!

Pendo - Are you sure this is safe?

And it was but.....

now please let me out of here!

An elderly ‘Koko’ called Naramasangwa decided she wanted to be baptised before she dies. Nosikito and Graham guided her carefully in.

Please look after my precious stick.

And in she goes

Thank you so much!

And finally Niye was baptised by Nosikito who has supported her through some very difficult times.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Perks of the Job

Sometimes the heat and dust and discomfort can seem never ending and then........

This little lad was wondering who was invading his spot.

The invasion soon paid off!

And we loved his spot.