Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Celebrating the Cow Project

Last Sunday we celebrated with some of the women who have received cows. We wish that all those of you who have given so generously could have been there too. We had friends with us though and Jenny received necklaces and thanks on your behalf.

Firstly we met under the tree with the church. For many of the women, it was the first time they had ‘sat in church’ and heard someone so clearly speaking from the Bible. It went from Norman in English, to Graham in Swahili to Nosikito in Maa and back again leaving plenty of time for thoughts to be gathered and words to sink in.

Then they all lined up to say thank you.

They sang.....

and danced......

and gave us gifts.

Meanwhile, two women from the local village were preparing a feast under a tree in very windy conditions so the singing and dancing went on...and on.....and on... while the flames under the cooking pots were encouraged to point in the right direction and do their job!

Sadly, we have lost 5 cows who had not re-gained enough strength after the drought to withstand sickness. The project rule is that the women have to present us with the skin that has the G stamped on it, then they go back on the list for a replacement – just once.

This is Simbavo showing us her skin. She was heart broken when it died and did everything she could to save it.