Sunday, August 15, 2010


Warriors are the standing army of their people and must concentrate on building up and maintaining their strength. One of the things they like to do is ‘party’ in their own unique way. This involves a group of men finding a secluded place away from the eyes of women to set up camp for a meat feast to last from several days to several weeks. Traditionally, they would only eat bullocks but nowadays, they might also bring the odd sheep or goat along and men older than the warrior age set like to take part. They may take a few younger boys and girls with them to do the work of collecting fire wood and cooking the soup. They will eat the meat either roasted or as a soup to which they add special tree bark and herbs which aid digestion and increase strength and courage. And there they stay, in seclusion, building strength and comradeship until every animal is eaten.

In this gorge, there were three different age sets in separate olpuls hidden along the dry river bed.